Well yesterday I sat and worked out a timetable. really worked it out. Decided the hours I could devote through the day to my endeavours and set them out in a timetable.
I got up this morning all gung-ho only to realise that I had to leave the house and atend my girls school.
Aside from that I think I did pretty well. I worked for so long and then took a break spent time with other daughter or cleaned house and then changed what I was doing. It worked pretty well. I even set aside some time this afternoon to do some craft for myself and craft with all the girls. Only half hour on each but it will make sure I switch off for the girls for a few hours. It won't stop me from typing on here till all hours once everyone is asleep but I want to spend that time with my family as hard as it is to turn off the pc.
If I set the routine then my brain ill react automatically eventually. All ready my brain knows that the laptop is for working and the pc for fun. It likes the distinction and so do I. I sent off my second round of edits today. added things in noticed some things didn't go as well as it could have done and reworked those. Now to wait and see if they are all right.
I am doing research on how to improve my writing skills. Imagination good, skills errr well ick.
I have such a woderul editor and I really want to make life better for her.
Any ideas from the public?
Hey wanna see my cover?
My very first cover have to immortalise it.
I am so pleased that my dream is coming alive. The thing is I have about 6 others sitting in the background waiting to start.
yey. i shouldn't have writers block for a while.
I typed till I was going blind last night and then slept. Today I will finish the edits BUT I will take one more day to make sure the edits make sense. Ya know how it is late at night typing sounds good reads find. Turn off the pc turn it back on the next day (or whenever) and the sentences read something like the following sHe smled it was pretty and he thoght she was hot.
Well maybe not that bad.... maybe.
It is hard when you get out of the rhythm of writing to slide back into it. I love the writing that's not a problem but like everyone else sometimes it is hard to think of it as a real job when the kids are tugging at you and the other 1/2 wants you to run errands while you are at home, implying you are doing nothing and having fun.
So to try and get back into that rhythm I am going to cut down on the internet time. This is hard as at present I am also trying to set up a website. BUT I think I need to control the other things that I do. Like browse, a lot, for hours.
I am going to cut down on T.V sorry Oprah and Dr Phil, I just gotta do it. As for night TV well certain shows I WILL NOT miss out on. But I will give up the repeats of my favourite shows unless I genuinely haven't seen them and there a few of those.
I am gong to time table my day into periods like at school. In my school we worked for 40 minutes on a subject before moving on to your next class. Well in my case it will be 45 minutes. Then the 15 minutes will let me move. Play with my daughter, do the necessary house work (Thank goodness for FlyLady). Wednesdays will be shopping and errand day. I do not need to go to town everyday.
I will alternate between writing and my other business so neither get neglected. I am unsure whether I will alternate days or just time slots. Hmmm what do you think?
I know I should be editing, but I have done 5 hours straight so need a break.
I was reading
this post here and I really have to agree. often writers put everything away while "real life" comes forward.
Unfortunately for those who don't write they can't understand the compulsion that takes hold to write. They can't grasp the concept that withou this we shrivel up and part of us dies.
My mother summed it up the other day. For my romance and erotica I have decided to use a pseudonym simply because I want my writing separate. I am wanting to write childrens books as well and will use another name for them simply so when a search is done on my name these hot books don't jump out ad scare little ones or ther parents.
i am not ashamed that I write romance and adult novels they are every bit as hard to write as childrens books and other type of books. But my mother made the comment oh you are keeping your real name for when you do real writing.
Yeah thanks mum.
What I do is real writing. A valid a form as any other and in some ways harder, with romance you tend to know that they will get together. So you need to make it exciting. how many genres of writing do you know that has that expected outcome where the end of the story is already set. I know there are different romance genres as well HEA & HEAFN but it still is the basic thing.
So don't let anyone tell you it isn't real writing. romance taps into the core of emotions in our readers we have extra hurdles to overcome tell them if its so easy they sit down and write one.
It has been a frantic month, scarily so. I had my second edits for Blood Vengeance and my girls once again got sick on me. Not happy because this time i went down with them too. One was in hospital with a terrible lurgy (a viral infection was how they describe it) that affected her tiny body worse then the others. She is tiny tiny tiny and so when she gets ill there are jus n reserves.
She is well now and to look at her wouldn't even know that she had been so down. Unfortunately after several weeks of little sleep, ill kids and trying to work through it all no writing got done. my energy died for writing and anytime I tried to spend on the pc ended with migraines. I also became ill to be expected really hey?
But my editor as been fantastic and my health has improved I can look a the pc withou my brain feeling as if it is going to escape my head. So the edits began in earnest today. I am not working for a few weeks if ever and by tomorrow i should have them done.
I also received the cover for my book.
I am so excited.
Now to figure out how to work it all. LOL
for those who emailed thankyou. Danielle especially i should have thought to let you know I am so sorry.
Wow it is great to feel normal.
How long will it last?