What have I done? Me the pantster sat down and did a plan. Unbelievable. It wasn't a detailed plan just 14 or 15 steps with 2 or 3 sentences in each one.
I want to try for a novel with this one of about 56000 words. So I carefully sat down and wrote what would be in each chapter (of course this could change I am a pantster by nature).
I would like to try and submit it to blaze and so I am going to concentrate on this for a few months. I would like to try for at least 1000 words a day so my goal is to have this book finished by the end of November. Edits done by January.
I want this really bad.
I will have it.
on Porn star for a wife. It intrigues me in this society that women who choose to do this are seen as victims. I have been to Sexpo in Brisbane a fw times and man meeting some of these women they don't seem like victims. One in particular was very savvy, her money was invested wisely and her MUM is her manager. When she was questioned about her choice she just laughed and simply said "Do I look like a victim?"
Now this isn't saying they are all like this there is a seedy side to the life as well but really what doesn't?
I think this has carried with me for a long while. and I wanted to have this strong woman fall in love but to make it even more difficult I wanted upstanding moral fibre. i want the conflict and the horror of dicovering what she is. i want her foundations shaken up when he doesn't give in in the way she thinks he should.
I am treading lightly at present as I am a pantster and I feel this story developing deep within.
So my hero is based on the younger Harrison Ford especailly when he played Indiana Jones

Neat and tidy. nice enough but nothing special. this is how she will see him.
but we know how this man can scrub down

I love Indy.
My heroine I couldn't choose any other then Jessica Alba

her sexiness just oozes from her pores.

Now I can visualise a little better. i think the match is good for the story.
has kicked into overdrive and now I have 4 books on the go.
We have Werewolf Running.
Vampire dreams
Porn Star for a Wife?
What happens when a porn start meets a man she can't have?
Sahsa is beautiful and is Australia's highest paid porn star. Robert is quiet and a christian. What happens when the attraction can no longer be denied. Will Sasha get what she wants and have him in her bed or will Robert get what he wants.. a porn star for a wife?
and Call Girl
Better names may come with them but at the moment that's it.
I typed out about 1000 on each last night without even thinking about it. The words flowed and I typed. It was good. Don't know how the last 2 will turn out but hey can only try. I mean they are people too aren't they. I don't even know if they would be looked at for publishing but they want to be written and who really denies their muse?
i can't believe I didn't know my release date. Actually it makes me rather embarrassed as it makes me sound as if I don't care. It is far from the truth. I have let all my friends know. all their friends know. I have let everyone from every site I have been to know. I just hadn't registered about a day.
Anyway the official date is 26th October. It still seems kind of surreal. As if it is happening to someone else. Still I'm sure it will hit home eventually.
I was on the passionate Ink forum and someone had asked about journalling. Did we journal. Some replied that they found they whinged when they journaled and they didn't like it at all. I journal and I enjoy it. i do not necessarily journal each day but I think for me that it s a good thing. yep I whinge in the journal and heavy stuff often goes in there while other things come here and yet more stuff goes in my other blog.
I find that once the emotions are dumped and the whinge is out I am lighter and more likely to concentrate on what I want to do. if I do alot of whinging in the journal I will often make a point of adding other stuff to balance it abit. But often that seems to ahppen of it'sown accord, get rid of the rubbish and the good comes out.
So open those journals and start writing dumo the emotions and how you felt into it. yo never know you may want to use it in a future book. An idea of how you acted and felt never hurts.
It is getting closer to October and altho I can't find my release date it will be around somewhere. *sigh* I really should have been up to date more but things happen and because at this stage the family sees my writing as "a sideline" it can be hard to make them understand that I need to do things to get everything out there.
I am going to print out some of my bookmarks and take a visit to the library. need to do it soon. Maybe omething i can do in the next few days. It will be something fun to do. i will be giving away copies of my book as well so stay tuned it could be you!
i am so nervous and excited the what ifs are flying through my head. the good thing is I know I can write i just have to put my head down and tail up and work through the second book. yes there is one. Another novella called werewolf running. Well that is what it is called so far. I have about 7000 words to go before the dreaded edits. the edits are the hardest bit. first i have to change it to America speak and then I have to read it. trouble is i seem to go blind when I look at my own work. Even when typing on firums i will check and hit send only to find out when i go back that everything I spelt looks like some sort of mangled english.
this time though I plan to print it all out and get the red pen onto it. have it in hard copy so I can glare at it. With any luck in another week I should have finished it and put it aside to give my brain a break.
Not long till Octoberfest starts at Cobblestone Press! Go check it out!
Hmm an idea for a book maybe?
No right now writing as been very sparse. What I have written had annoyed me and I am refusing to think about it. I need to get going again. I have other commitments but I really want to write and produce books sometimes forget this as everyhting else piles on my plate.
Kids health my health, lack of sleep are all excuses but we can use them very effectively when we wish to. I whine about how tired I am and lack the energy. How sore my nose is and many other things.
Well I have tken little steps to rectify my time. I am slowly moving to polyphasic sleep. So instead of trying to sleep 8 hours and ending up with anywhere between 4 - 6 and feeling like crap I am going to sleep 4 hours and feel great.
Basically I will sleep 3 hours at night and take 3 naps throughout the day. this isn't actually as hard as it sounds. It didn't work so well when a sick bird took over the area where I work and couldn't be disturbed but it had been going all right till that point.
Once fully adjusted it is my intention to write at night when I won't be disturbed by fighting children and the forever "Muuuuum I need. I want, I....."
This time will be sacred to me a whole 3-4 hours where it will be me.
this means I can work the other stuff through the day.
I may have to take a leaf out of other authors books and just have seveall on the go at once.
It is September and my book comes out next month. Cobblestone, ,people, Cobblestone - Blood vengeance
I have had very little sleep and dealing with illness. Just when I think we may be ok we get another round and having 6 poeople to make its way through AAARGH.
Anyway no writing and no time to and no energy to change it.
BUT I have been looking at things to help me recharge my batteries. And if it works out I will be able to have more energy. I will be awake more hours and so have more time for me and no it does not involve drugs.
I am going to discuss it more once I figure out if it works!!