Chasing the Dream

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Naughty girl

Who would like to smack me first?
I didn't write yesterday. working and the running after children with a really sore throat drained me and I just couldn't be bothered.
This morning though was a different matter. i sat for just over an hour and managed almost 2000 words. Not bad. Not bad.The idea is to keep writing and get it out of my head and then sort it all out.
I am impressed though. story is already longer then my first novella without any editing. When the edits are done is when the story increases in length for me. I tend to write sparingly a fault of mine with essays. Why say the same thing 10 different ways?
But with story telling I forget people are not in on the inside and so i leave things out.

Here's to another 5000 words by the end of the week!


Sunday, 29 July 2007

Weekly Update

well the first week of The Artist's Way has passed by.
I have written my morning pages every day except this morning but like the other day I will write them tonight. I have mixed feelins about the pages. I don't mind them although i can find them a chore. I have to fight for the time fo them. I have made some discoveries about myself and working things through.
I have also realised that if i can write 900 words long hand every morning in under an hour then i can definately manage to type 1000 words a day.
I can also move between stories to get those 1000 words. They don't have to go on the same story each day especailly as i have a few stories running through my head.

So if I set aside and hour a day then at the end of the week one story could be up 7000 words or several stories can have more words... not abad better then what has happened this past week.

I haven' done an artist date this week and unless it happens today ince again I am going to miss out on doing them. These were the hardest part of doing this 12 week course. The artist date. 4 Kids, Hubby who works long hours 6 days a week just aren't conducive to spending time alone.

I may even just try for 1/2 hour find a $2 shop and go stare at the stuff. Touch and think what I may like to do.
That sounds nice.

Being any form of artist whether author or other means you need to dedicate time to it and time to yourself.
It does feel strange doing the course again. but surprisingly or not different answers occur for the same questions and of course the same questions can get the same answers.



Saturday, 28 July 2007


Not because I have no ideas but because of other interests raising their heads.
I am moving back to a different mode and deciding that I will write 1000 words a day. Doesn't matter what book I do it for but 1000 words. they don't have to be good or even grammatical but I need to get them down.
Now according to how I type and write long hand i should be able to do this in about an hour each day.

So by the end of a week I will be 7000 words up no matter in which novel.
This equates to about 16 words a minute my typing speed is faster but this will allow for thought gathering as i think things thorugh.

I will update tomorow about my artist way week!


Sunday, 22 July 2007

No writing

Well no 'real' writing done in the past week. i went away on holidays to the gogeous fraser island camping.
No electricity, no internet, no writing in fact the laptop didn't even go.
I thought i would take a break, HA
no chance. I spent quite a few minutes every day jotting down notes for upcoming books. i was surprised how easily it all welled up and flowed onto the page.
So I came home today but unpacking and the like made sure no writing was done then either. And now, now I am too sleepy to really concentrate on such things.
I am going to do the 12 week course for the Artists Way. I have the book and did the course about 2 years ago. I found it enlightening and now it is time to bring it out againas I have noticed old habits are trying to shout down things I do. So i will do it again and see how I go this time.
I may even check in here every weel to let you know how it goes.


Thursday, 12 July 2007

Story lines - ife lines

No writing done today. The story ideas have been tumbling around so I have been jotting things down. Instead today I did other creating you can read a bit here or here.
I am thinking of stepping my way through the artist's way again.
I do know that I will never be happy doing one thing BUT I do believe that I am able to be very happy doing the three things for my life and adding other things here and there for fun.
I am having trouble working my time for it all.
I get involved and don't want to stop.
The computer gets in the way too. i have unsubscribed from quite a few things to cut down on my email. i have changed my subscriptons to certain things to get digests instead of all throughout the day.
I have closed down a stack of email addresses (did i really need 7) and others are directed to my one address. i keep them sepearate for a reason but i don't need to check them everyday.
i am going to close down one more very soon and try and set it up a little differently to the way it is.
I am doing this so I can concentrate on what I want to do. writing being one of the most important.
I plan to do a lot of writing while I am away not on the computer but on my alphasmart.


Tuesday, 10 July 2007

The Muse calls

The writing muse was busy this week. She summoned me and I could not refuse the call. I have writen well but she is overloading me. I have an idea for a young readers book so may have to lay down the big novel and write this other one. Where to turn I am not used to working on several at a time I feel odd doing it.

How do you know which one to write. how do you spread your time?
The werewolf story is shaping nicely now just to figure out what is going to happen LOL.
