Chasing the Dream

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Writing Writing

The rhythm found me again last night and I typed. The weekend being the weekend writing has been interrupted. But I am enjoying myself. I have yet to set a timetable for my writing and I know I really should but I enjoy writing when I feel like it. I will finish this book and another is calling me. The one that is calling to me in a seductive tone is a light hearted short story. It is begging to be written and I can notdeny my muse even if it isn't something that will bring me in money. i write what I am directed to and that is that although looking at it i may submit it to mojo castle just for fun.


Friday, 30 March 2007

Goal for April

Not much writing done this week which has annoyed me no end.
No ones fault but my own I have not been getting enough sleep and through the day I have been vegetating in front of the TV.
Easter is coming up which means holidays as well.

So lets see my goals for April

By 30th April I plan to have Werewolf Running finished. I am not even a quarter of the way through it , from the way it is panning out I think it will end up being about 40,000 words but I will not put that down as a written promise.

Which means I need to write at least 1000 words a day.

So there's my goal a thousand words a day on Werewolf running.

I will no doubt have editing to do on my other book before then and I am really excited about it. Really really excited about it. I am looking forward to fine tuning my skills with writing. I want to learn editing may be hard but I want to know it all.


Friday, 23 March 2007


Well the week has been full of ups and interesting moments.

The show that put my writing on hold last week was a success. I came away sunburnt despite sunscreen and sensible clothes. Really I am much better suited to nights rather then days.
I worked Sunday and tried to get the house back in order Monday.
Tuesday I couldn't be bothered doing anything so I reclined to read a magazine and stopped and stared a picture of a girl was in the magazine and it could have been the sister to my youngest. They look quite a bit alike. I stopped and read the article and my heart leapt into my throat as I read my own daughters story (to a degree) so today I am off to the Dr to make sure that she is fine. I will be requesting DNA tests to make sure she is fine.
Now does DH know about this? No he would be furious if I thought her less then perfect. It is VERY rare this particular disorder and up until the article they only knew of one in Australia and 110 throughout the world. Well a woman in Perth contacted the lady who wrote the article and her child has also been diagnosed now, so my chances of my girl being fine are pretty good.

I started writing again Wednesday and then found an email in my inbox.
My novella has been accepted by Cobblestone Press and although it needs to have some work done to it they have accepted it. Woohoo I have been dancing on clouds since.

So we have been changing things, reorganising, signing and getting thoroughly excited. I'm going to be published in October!!

Breathe Breathe who can remember to breathe?



Saturday, 10 March 2007

Double booked

I have double booked myself and it is heart wrenching for me.
I have to put aside my writing and concentrate on other things which is driving me crazy.
I have to sew and make jewellery my friend a few months ago booked us in for a market day. I have other talents that have been in hiding for a while. Well said friend came over today and reminded me it is next week. NEXT WEEK and I have done nothing for it.
Crap crap crap.
So I will not be on line much, very little writing will be done and various craft materials will dominate. *sigh* so goodbye to Werewolf Running and hello to beautiful creations.
Wish me luck.


Friday, 9 March 2007


I have a werewolf novel in the works, now it started off in first person but I was informed by someone that first person sucks and rarely sells and I should move it to third person. Which I did. Wrote quite a few chapters on it and all. But I let it slide. Why? Because I couldn't get it to run as smoothly as I wanted to. It was stilted and the flow didn't exist.
I stopped writing it.
Fast forward a few weeks. I am glaring at this book while waiting for a reply to my submission. This book had me excited in the beginning I know the story can be good in fact I know it can be great but I just can't grasp it.
In the past few weeks I have read quite a few stories from successful novelists and guess what I find quite a few of them are in first person. It may not be a popular choice but I have made my decision I will go back to writing this book in first person. If they tell me they love it but move it to third person I will deal with it then.
So last night I started editing the story BACK to first person. I am smiling as I did so and the story is flowing better , I can get inside of my heroine and show how she sees the world why she is the way she is. My muse is happy now, this story is meant to be first person. Its a first draft it can be what ever it wants. I can fix it later.
I rarely write in forst person but I learnt a valuable lesson if the muse wants it let her have it.


Thursday, 8 March 2007


I edited my manuscript over and over. 5000 odd words were added to the finished piece as I continued to read blogs and realise things were missing from my story.
like descriptions,
descriptions of characters, descriptions of places descriptions descriptions descriptions.
It drove me up the wall when I realised what I had done. Its a good thing this is what first drafts are for.

I am nervous as I hit the send button on the email I really wanted to retract it, but I also knew if I didn't send it then I wold most likely end up hiding it somewhere and become a bitter about my lack of courage.

So it's done for better for worse it is done. I don't know of any compelling reasons why it would be rejected but even if it is it will be a learning experience. Now to try and concentrate on my other WIPS
