Chasing the Dream

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Busy times.

I am managing to squeeze some writing in. At present though I am preparing for a show. My first bear show. That's right in my other life I create jewellery and Artist Bears.
So writing is slipped in here and there. I am writing though about 1000 words a day. The story will end up being about 30,000 words and I will either submit to eharlequin for their new line OR I will return to cobblestone.
I am about 2/3 of the way and I feel the story is rounding up nicely. We'll see how it goes though.
The artists way is proving interesting as well.
I have so much trouble trying to find time for an artists date. YOu would think 2 hours in a week wouldn't be so much to ask. I'm telling you 2 hours is terribly hard to find. My partner works long hours, 6 days a week. So on Sunday we like to spend time as a family.
I am seriously considering popping my youngest into daycare one day a week so I can do all those things I need to do and want to do.
The thing is next year A mere 4 months away she will be going to Kindy 2 days a week. So I don't think I will be putting her in daycare, not when she is growing so fast and next year will allow me that time anyway.
It is the juggling act most writers face. Family life, work life and writing life and more often then not writing is squeezed around other things. For me especially the fact I have these other things that are pressing me to complete them I wonder if I truly am a writer. MAybe I should give up sleep to write. But I sleep little as it is, and I need to function for my family. So I continue to juggle and I will write I may not be as prolific as some but I still write.
If I don't write I suffer.
Will return soon.



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